Saturday, 25 May 2013

Rumor:Kloe Kardashian might leave Lamar her husband.

 khloe and lamar
Sources has it that the 28-year-old Kloe is planning  to divorce the pro basketball player, fearing he’s destroying her career and hap­piness.
“Khloe’s ready to pull the plug on her marriage to Lamar,” revealed an insider. “Kris has given her the names of a few high-powered Beverly Hills di­vorce lawyers and told her to start socking away her money.”
Khloe already seems to be preparing for the single life. She’s dropped 25 pounds and has been rumored to be roman­tically linked with hard-bodied rapper The Game. And she was off in Greece instead of staying home to cheer on Lamar in the NBA playoffs. Insiders confide she is desper­ate to escape a dead-end union that has been filled with heart­break and disappointment. “She’s an emotional wreck over their failed attempts to con­ceive a child, and her self-esteem has been shat­tered by rumors that Lamar is cheating on her,” said the source.
Lamar’s hard partying, excessive boozing and rov­ing eye became a major issue for the couple. He report­edly guzzled vodka and has flirted up a storm with beautiful women at Greystone Manor nightclub in Los Angeles, where he became a regular Sunday night patron. He’s also alleg­edly taken women back to hotel rooms when he’s on the road.
The final blow to the union came after Lamar, 33, was embroiled in a widely re­ported scandal involving his cancer charity, Cathy’s Kids, which has allegedly given no money to cancer-related causes. When Khloe was subsequently canned as host of “The X Factor,” the source says she felt the charity scandal con­tributed to her getting the boot.
Making matters worse, the source adds, Lamar called Khloe’s firing “a blessing in disguise.” “He said her place as his wife is at home doing every­thing in her power to get pregnant. When Khloe went to her mom cry­ing about Lamar’s insensitivity, that’s when Kris told her to divorce him.
“She blasted Lamar, telling Khloe, ‘You can’t have a baby if you’re mar­ried to one!’”


  1. good for them,celebs and their marriages don tire me sef


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