Who really owns a man?
His Mother or Wife?
{Mother}- My son must obey me, unless he didn't suck my breast 4 one year.
{Wife }- He sucks mine now & sucked it 4 more than 5yrs & he's still sucking it
{Mother}- I carried him for 9months.
{Wife}- He was only 3.5kg then, so what's d big deal??:/ I carry him every night & he is 85 kg now.
{Mother}- He passed in between my legs wit pains.
{Wife}- Hahahahahahah, he only passed there once, but he stays in between my legs like everyday & I scream with pains each night.
Please, WHO REALLY OWNS A MAN? Mother or Wife
So what is your answer?
No one does.....you can't own another person, even if you give birth to them. A mother's job is to love them, and raise to be functioning, healthy men that will contribute to society and be able to raise a family of their own...it's not a mother's job to be controlling and not a wives job to act like a