Lucia Ruiz, a 6th grader from Deerfield, Illinois, was traveling with her Aunt and Uncle in Spain last month when tragedy struck as the high speed train she was in derailed, killing 79 near Santiago de Compostela.
Lucia was sitting in one of the rear carriages of the train, hit hardest with the highest number of casualties and was tossed around like a rag doll fracturing her legs, hip, pelvis, tail bone, her skull and suffered internal bleeding.
Spending almost a week in the ICU in Spain, Lucia and her family are struggling to deal with the crisis brought on by her medical bills as they battle to get her the care she needs to return home.
See the train disaster incident
'She was the worst by far and she was very lucky as well because she was one of the first persons that was rescued from the train,' said Ismael Ruiz.
Her mother Paloma is confident her little girl will recover, but her father told CBS Chicago that his daughter is worried for the future.
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Send your prayers and donations through the fund raising website setup for her HERE
Oh my God ... May God heal you and bring you back to good shape ....